Explanation of active listening video
The video shows that there is no "one way" to internalize a need. We all get needs differently because we are affected by our unique life stories. Therefore, some people get control in a strong and dominant manner; others get control quietly and even use their eyes to have everyone "come to them" and accept their leadership. To some people, tears look like a cry for help; to others, they look controlling. Or another example is a child who really needs approval who says 'go away' to a parent who is always criticizing. In the video above, an example of early stages of the ETT training, each participant internalized her need in her own way, which captured how she felt "in that moment" facing her partner. Staying present and using eye contact, they then each reacted to what they felt they were getting back from their partner when they were talking and when they were listening. Notice how the participants need to slow down the communication process in order to experience their needs, become present, establish eye contact, and adjust to what they are getting back from their partners. Later in the process, the communication tempo is brought back to a normal speed.